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5 Anti-Aging Must Haves for Men

Wanting to look and feel young is one thing we can all agree on. We all want to feel good and look strong when we look in the mirror, but as the years pass, aging is just part of life. Over the course of the last few decades, lots of anti-aging procedures and options have been introduced to the market for the face, body and mind. That said, we know that picking the right treatment can be an overwhelming decision, so we wanted to highlight five anti-aging MUSTS that we believe can get you great results.

Yes, men can and SHOULD get facials, too! The microneedling facial is a medical-grade facial that improves skin in three phases. When combined with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), the improvement in skin quality is almost twofold. Here’s how it works. Your blood is drawn while topical numbing creams are placed over the face. Once the blood is spun down, the platelet rich plasma is separated from the red blood cells. PRP is then extracted from the tube so it can be used on the face. When microneedling is administered, it causes microtrauma to the skin by piercing the skin tissue thousands of times in a controlled manner, which induces inflammation. Your own platelet rich plasma is spread over the face before the microneedling device touches the skin, with the inflammatory response starting the cascade of healing. From increased blood vessel development to new tissue proliferation, this procedure will help your skin look fuller, younger, and make your fine lines and wrinkles less visible. It’s also great for improving acne scars, surgical scars, and thinning skin. This procedure is great for anti-aging due to the proliferation and remodeling of skin tissue and is safe to be administered once every 28 days; it can’t be done sooner than this as the healing process is generally 28 days.

2. PRP Facelift Also known as the “Vampire Facelift,” a PRP Facelift is a service that offers the benefits of filler injections with the proliferation and new cell formation of Platelet Rich Plasma. It’s a quick procedure, normally less than 1 hour with almost immediate results that can last up to 2 years. It starts the same way as any other PRP procedure: Your blood is drawn into a specialized tube and spun in a centrifuge for 5 minutes. While this process is happening to obtain the PRP, a topical numbing cream is applied to the face. Then, the PRP is injected into the areas that need more volume and ‘’lifting,’’ followed by the fillers, usually with hyaluronic acid as the base. The changes after this procedure are more dramatic than microneedling as volume can be added to the face, especially to areas like the cheeks, under the eyes, chin and lips/mouth. PRP helps regenerate new tissue and stimulates your skin’s natural production of collagen, elastin, and fat cells, so your results improve over time. The frequency of this procedure varies, usually once a year is average, but can be longer depending on the results and each individual’s metabolism of the filler. A PRP Facelift can produce amazing results, as it is proven to smooth fine lines and improve skin texture.

3. PRP Hair Restoration PRP Hair Restoration is a service that uses the power of Platelet Rich Plasma to help improve hair quality/strength, thickness, and reverse hair loss in many cases. The procedure starts with a simple blood draw into a specialized tube and then it’s spun down for 5 minutes in a centrifuge. This specific process will separate the PRP from the red blood cells while the scalp is numbed using 4-5 injections of lidocaine 2%. A topical numbing cream is also used over the scalp to further help numb the skin. Then, it’s just a series of tiny injections into the problem areas of the scalp. After injections, PRP is spread over the top of the scalp and microneedling is done to further aid in the hair restoration process. The total time for the procedure is typically around 40-50 minutes. We recommend getting this procedure done once every 2 months for a total of 3-4 sessions. Using a compounded scalp foam after the procedure also helps the hair regrowth process.

4. Sermorelin Sermorelin is a derivative of a naturally occurring hormone in the body known as Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone(GH-RH). Sermorelin acts in the same way that GH-RH does, by activating the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and other substances in the body. HGH helps in muscle building and repair/recovery after workouts, along with a reduction in fat through the process of lipolysis (medical term for fat breakdown). This allows body composition changes to occur, creating a better physique. Sermorelin also has the benefits of increasing bone mineral density, which keeps bones stronger. Continuing into the anti-aging realm, Sermorelin can help strengthen the muscles under the skin and help transport fluid and nutrients among cells to preserve the appearance and function of the skin. It’s administered via nightly self-injections in the subcutaneous (inner most) skin layer. Duration of therapy varies from patient to patient, but usually starts with a loading phase that lasts 3 months. Then, another ‘’cycle’’ that lasts 6 months.

5. Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle Plans Lifestyle modifications are the single-best way to achieve anti-aging benefits. Consistent weekly exercise regimens can help strengthen and build muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and strengthen bones. A balanced healthy diet is full of nutrient-dense organic fruits and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, and minimally processed foods. The nutrients received in these whole foods can improve skin quality and create a younger looking, vibrant skin tone. Other lifestyle modifications include getting enough sleep (7-9 hours per night), managing stress appropriately (don’t sweat the small stuff), quit smoking and/or using other forms of nicotine/tobacco, and minimize the consumption of alcohol. When you become a MENber at nüYOUth.Club, you gain access to all the aforementioned anti-aging treatment options, plus an in-house lab for same-day results for your convenience, complimentary co-working spaces, and a fully-stocked wellness kitchen. We’d love to have you join us, so you can regain decades of YOUTH and vitality. Call us at (404) 480-5229 to get started! In good health, Team nüYOUth.Club Premium WordPress Themes Download Premium WordPress Themes Download Premium WordPress Themes Download Premium WordPress Themes Download udemy paid course free download download coolpad firmware Download WordPress Themes free online course

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